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English topic: AmbiBox (Server IR х.х.х Ambilight Edition). Updated 12.01.2015

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Description AmbiBox in Wiki

First, thanks for this software, it works great!

--- Цитата: demmax2004 ---7. API to control the backlight.
--- Конец цитаты ---

Is there any documentation about this API ? I need to activate the light and switch profile from command line.

Please use google translate (Russian to ?????)
Documentation API
If something is not understand ask me.

P.S. Authorization disabled (not used).


--- Цитата: Danatoth ---First, thanks for this software, it works great!
I need to activate the light and switch profile from command line.
--- Конец цитаты ---

Lighting can be activated without the program.
If you know how to write programs in any language, it's API use library for direct management hardware.


I tried the API but got a problem. I'm using Windows 7 x64 and I activated the telnet client.
I connect successfully but then I can't call any command. It tries to execute a command on each key pressed.
I attached a screenshot to describe the problem. If I type 'help', it tries to execute commande h, e, l and p.


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